Planning Your Gap Year
Working as a dive professional during your gap year is a smart, fun way to fund your travels. Scuba divers are some of the most “travel-minded” people, and it is common to meet people from all over the world while diving.
Frequently Asked Questions about Roatan
Before you're about to book your trip to Roatan, it's only fair to have questions about the island, transportation, hot spots, the works. To make your experience with us a one-stop shop, we've set up a Frequently Asked Questions page so that we can cover general questions you have!
What Is (and What Isn't) Zika Virus?
By now, you have undoubtedly read about the Zika virus. The New York Times came out with a great article about the epidemic and how it affects us, so let's have a discussion about it before you call off your holiday abroad.