5 Surefire Ways to be a Scuba Beauty

Let's face it, scuba diving is not the most glamorous sport. I don't know who decided that sexy was the way to go in all those scuba equipment ads in the magazines, but it is a big fat lie. Mask marks, snot on your face and a saggy wetsuit is what defines a true diver.

Tips for Maintaining Scuba Cylinder Health

Out of all your scuba diving equipment, your scuba cylinder is the unsung hero of it all. We have a tendency to focus on the quality and maintenance of the wetsuits, BCDs and regulators of wherever we go diving, but not on the most important feature of your scuba equipment, and your lifeline.

5 Ways to Weight Yourself Perfectly for Scuba Diving

One of the first questions we ask all of our divers when they checked in is, "How many weights do you need?". It's so important to keep track of your weighting to make each dive, wherever you go, as easy and relaxing as possible.

5 Easy Ways to Improve your Buoyancy

Good buoyancy is one of the most important components of being a good diver. If you're flopping all over the place, crawling on the coral and landing on top of other divers, you are not being a good diver or a good buddy.