How To Make a Difference This World Oceans Day
Every year on June 8th, the world gets together to celebrate World Oceans Day. Each year, World Oceans Day has a different focus based on the biggest issue plaguing the world's oceans that year. It should be no surprise, then, that plastic pollution is the action focus of World Oceans Day 2018.
However, while plastic pollution may be at the top of the list for this year's World Oceans Day, this doesn't mean we should disregard other pressing issues that our planet is facing. We now have more information and technology at our fingertips than ever before, and ignorance about our impact on the planet is no longer an excuse. Awareness is the first step to making progress, so today we'd like to discuss 3 big issues facing the planet this World Oceans Day, and easy ways that you can make a difference.
RD Divemaster trainees after a beach clean-up
In line with the World Oceans Day 2018 focus, let's talk about plastic pollution first. Billions of pieces of disposable plastic go into the world's waterways every day, none of which are biodegradable. Animals ingest these plastics or get wrapped up in them, and thousands of animals die every year because of plastic in their stomachs or wrapped around their necks.
So what can you do to help? Say no to disposable plastics! Keep a reusable bag with you at all times, have a refillable water bottle, bring your own takeaway container to restaurants and carry reusable utensils (especially straws!) on you. If you can cut down on your disposable plastic use by even one time a day, that's 365 pieces of disposable plastic per person that doesn't go into the ocean!
For more information on how to lessen your disposable plastic consumption, check out our handy guide for 5 easy ways to live more eco-friendly.
Sunscreen is also a big issue facing our world's oceans. Most sunscreens these days contain chemicals that have been found to be harmful to the reef, especially oxybenzone, which can cause a slower growth rate and deformities to coral even in minute concentrations. And if it's that bad for the coral, imagine how it for your body!
While it takes a little research, you'd be surprised how many good sunscreen options there are out there! Pick a sunscreen that contains a physical barrier against UV rays, like zinc oxide or titanium oxide, rather than a chemical barrier. To take even better care of your body, find a sunscreen that also contains natural oils, many of which contain their own SPF values. Support your community by buying locally sourced and made products - on Roatan, a very good option is Aegis Sol-Screen, which boasts an SPF of 30 (and smells yummy, too!).
The increase in demand for fish, copious amounts of food waste and harmful fishing practices has led to a population crisis in our waters. The sheer amount of bycatch that comes with trawling, commercial fishing's most common practice, has decimated many fish and coral populations around the world. Fish farming is no better, with the high concentration of fish in a small environment polluting surrounding waters.
To decrease your environmental impact while also still getting your seafood fill, make sure to make pick seafood options that are sustainable and in season wherever you go. Most places will have a responsible seafood guide available so you can see what's green-, yellow- and red-listed, so stick with those guidelines. Support restaurants and businesses that provide green-listed options, and remember that quality trumps quantity!
Show our world's oceans some love this day and every day, and make the active choice to make small but meaningful changes for a better future.
Happy World Oceans Day!