5 Reasons Lionfish Suck!
It’s no secret: Lionfish suck! At least if you are in the Caribbean, where the spikey buggers aren’t supposed to be anyway...
On the bright side, the Roatan Marine Park has a program that allows divers like us to combat this destructive invasive species. So if you needed any more reason to bring a spear on your next dive with us, here are 5 reasons you should!
Lionfish reproduce at an incredibly high rate.
Seriously, they are the rabbits of the sea. Female lionfish can release up to 30,000 eggs every 7 days, making it easier for them to occupy new space and outnumber native species.
They eat babies!
The cruel and heartless lionfish will make a baby buffet out of it’s chosen area of reef; potentially reducing the number of native juvenile fish by 79% in as little as 5 weeks.
Lionfish are gluttons.
Their stomach can expand up to 30 times it’s natural size - and they aren’t picky. Any and every fish is a goner if the lionfish can get it’s mouth around them. One lionfish was recently found with 60 victims in it’s stomach!
Lionfish have 18 venomous spines that don’t care about your dermis layer.
Long ago, the greedy lionfish had a chat with mother nature and demanded to be adorned with 18 venomous spines that deliver an extremely painful sting. That’s just rude. (We highly recommend carrying a zoo keeper on your hunt to prevent accidental stings.)
Lionfish have no known predators outside of their native habitat.
Boy, that’s a problem! Although triggerfish, grouper, and eels have been reported to eat them in the Caribbean. Luckily there are divers like Irma who can defend the reef with their Lionfish License!
So there you have it! But for all the negatives we have to say there is one positive thing about them….
They are delicious!
So pack your bags, grab your spear, and let’s make some ceviche!
5 Cool Facts about Turtles for World Turtle Day
Happy World Turtle Day!
Let's face it, who doesn't like turtles? That's probably what gets requested the most from our divers, and with a well-protected marine park, it's very easy to deliver. Turtles are interesting animals, with personalities and fun quirks, so what are 5 Cool Facts that you should know about turtles today?
Happy World Turtle Day!
Let's face it, who doesn't like turtles? That's probably what gets requested the most from our divers, and with a well-protected marine park, it's very easy to deliver. Turtles are interesting animals, with personalities and fun quirks, so what are 5 Cool Facts that you should know about turtles today?
Fact 1. The green turtle has green insides
You may have noticed that green turtles are not particularly greener than any other turtle species. In fact, when they're babies, they're black! The green turtle is actually named that because the layer between its organs and its shell is green, not because its shell is.
Fact 2. Turtle shells are part of them
Unlike tortoises, turtle shells are not a separate piece of material covering their backs. Their shells are their backs. That's why if they get shell injuries, it can be life threatening, because it's basically the same as a human getting a wound on their backs.
Just keep swimming!
Fact 3. Baby turtles swim for 4 days straight after they're born
When we were diving in the Bonin Islands of Japan, we visited a turtle sanctuary that's done some phenomenal work in the area. We got lucky and went there after a group of hatchlings were born 3 days earlier. Inside their swimming pool, they just kept swimming...and swimming...and swimming. Baby turtles are hardwired to swim for days into open ocean before they find floating seaweed or something to rest on, so these little guys just kept swimming in circles for the first few days after they were born.
Fact 4. Only 1% of turtles make it to sexual maturity
Crazy! Out of all the turtles born all over the world, only 1% will survive to reach sexual maturity. The majority of turtle babies never make it past the beach on their first day alive. This is why it's so important to protect the turtles that we have left, because human interference and consumption has not made things easier for these guys. Although many turtles species are now protected, boat activity, trawling and hunting are decimating turtles numbers around the world. For a population that already struggles to survive, it's a severe blow.
Fact 5. Hawksbill shells are still being exploited
Classified as Critically Endangered by the World Wildlife Fund, Hawksbill turtle shells are most threatened by the illegal wildlife trade. Their brown and yellow patterned shells commonly referred to as "tortoiseshell" are extremely popular and can sell for a high price. While most tortoiseshell products are now made out of synthetic materials, there is still a startling amount of illegal trade of their shells and products. To ensure you are buying the fake tortoiseshell from the real ones, we suggest you consider the price, is the vendor reputable and most of all the detailing on the object. Real tortoise shell is hand carved so it will have small imperfections along with a higher price tag.
Show your turtle love!
For all the turtle lovers out there, here's a few ways we can be heroes to these adorable reptiles on World Turtle Day:
Reject Turtle Products - Turtles are critically endangered all over the world, exploited for their shells and their meat. As long as a demand exists, so will a supply, so make sure to avoid purchasing turtle products wherever in the world you go.
Use Reusable Bags - Plastic bags floating in the ocean look almost identical to one of their favorite foods, jellyfish and turtles mistakenly ingest it. Add this to the long list of reasons of why reusable bags should be a part of your daily living!
Respect Turtles in their Natural Habitat - Whether you're diving or snorkeling in the Bay Islands, it's illegal to touch, chase, harass or ride them. Also if you're lucky enough to be near a beach area where turtles lay eggs, it's critical to keep a safe distance from hatchlings and be mindful not to confuse the younglings with any artificial light like camera flashes at night. Keeping a safe distance helps ensure that turtles & many other marine animals are not harmed as a result of human interaction.
Resist Disposable Utensils - From plastic straws, forks, spoons and knifes and more, the volume of plastic debris that ends up in the ocean is staggering. Sea turtles and many other marine animals ingest it, causing blockages in their digestive track. Turtles fights to expel these foreign objects, as seen in the infamous turtle straw removal video, but ultimately many cannot, leading to death.
To learn more, check out our 5 easy ways to live more eco friendly.
Should I buy a Roatan Marine Park yearly bracelet?
Short answer: Yes. Yes you should.
Oh, you wanted a long answer? Read on!
Short answer: Yes. Yes you should.
Long answer: Why wouldn't you buy a Roatan Marine Park yearly bracelet? They're only $10 and all the proceeds go towards the running of the park. The Roatan Marine Park is a non-profit organization that installs all the dive moorings, runs patrols to patrol the local wildlife and works with the local community to move us towards a conservation oriented island.
So if your boat ties up to a mooring, or you see a turtle or lobster or conch, or notice how the mangroves are starting to grow back...then of course you should support the Roatan Marine Park. The bracelets are only $10 and all the proceeds go directly into helping the park continue its good work. The park is one of the best run that we've seen, and we believe it has a lot to do with the fact that it's run by a non-profit, non-governmental organization full of passionate people, and we'd like to keep supporting it.
Do your part, support the park!