Exploring Underwater Wonders: Scuba Diving on Roatan's Enchanting South Shore

Exploring Underwater Wonders: Scuba Diving on Roatan's Enchanting South Shore

It’s that time of year again! Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey as the northerly winds guide us to this less traveled aquatic haven. Let's go diving off Roatan's South shore!

Spotlight On: The Beach House

There's nice, and then there's nice. The Beach House falls under the nice category.

South Side Diving!

The northwest coast of Roatan is fortunate in many ways. We have a ton of dive sites and moorings to choose from due to the hard work of the Roatan Marine Park, and unless the wind is coming directly from the northwest, which is rare, we have beautiful, flat calm seas to dive from. Sometimes, though, the wind can come from the northwest and it's not so easy to dive from this coast. On those days, what do we do?